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  • How should I book my flight?
    You can book your flight at anytime, we ask that you provide Leigh-Anne Martin at your flight details once you have them or enter them within your registration here. We ask that you plan your arrival time lunchtime-early afternoon on November 5th and your departure time November 9th anytime during the day. We do want to advise that if you book early on November 9th you will need to leave the resort approx. 3 hours prior to your flight time, it could be an early morning!
  • Will we have free time at the resort?
    Leisure time is planned throughout the trip to allow opportunities for you and your guest to enjoy the resorts and the areas we are experiencing. A spa is also located at the each resort. Any additional experiences outside the agenda items will be at your own expense.
  • Can I extend my stay?
    If you would like to extend your stay at the resort you may do so after November 9th at Moxche. Unfortunately early arrivals are not available at Impressions Isla Mujeres due to a group in house prior to our arrival. Please contact Leigh-Anne Martin at to make arrangements prior to booking your flights to confirm availability.
  • What is the resort address and contact information?
    IMPRESSION ISLA MUJERES BY SECRETS +52 998 234 8190 Av Perimetral Poniente Mza 55 Lte 8, 12 y 19 SN Supermanzana 9 entre Hotel Casa de los sueños y Villa Margarita, Isla Mujeres Quintana Roo 77400 Mexico IMPRESSION ISLA MUJERES BY SECRETS +52 998 234 8190 Av Perimetral Poniente Mza 55 Lte 8, 12 y 19 SN Supermanzana 9 entre Hotel Casa de los sueños y Villa Margarita, Isla Mujeres Quintana Roo 77400 Mexico
  • What should I pack for the trip?
    The weather in Cancun in November is truly beautiful, characterized by warm temperatures and clear skies. Average temperatures hover aroud and 84 degrees Fahrenheit (29°C), creating a comfortable warm and pleasant climate for visitors. Each person attending will receive a packet of additional details about the trip the week before departure. The packet will contain information on dress code , final agenda, etc. Everything will be resort elegant for evenings and casual during the day. No formal attire needed.
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